About this time every year, I head off to the National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops Annual Conference. This year it was in Phoenix. WHOA! It was hot!! But in spite of the heat I had a great time. It’s always great to get away and bounce ideas around with other people doing the same thing that I do. I always come back super energized and full of great ideas for the store (plus a suitcase full of super cute jewelry that should be priced and in the store soon!!)
This year I came back with the idea to reintroduce home goods at the store. In case you didn’t know, Renewed Expressions got its start as a furniture consignment store. We had a great time with the furniture but after about a year of pushing large furniture around by ourselves we decided that clothing might be more our pace. We are so glad we did because we’ve had so much fun with it! But we’ve missed having our fun home accessories around and this conference reinforced the idea that we should bring them back. So we are but we won’t be doing them on consignment. Instead we’ll be buying them outright.
I bet this has got you thinking about some things you have tucked away in the closet! Perhaps you’ve recently redecorated a room and don’t have the room or desire to store away those items well, we’d love to have a look at them. Especially if they have a Pottery Barn, Pier One or Anthropologie feel to them. Please send a photo of your item(s) to renewedexpressions(at)gmail(dot)com and we’ll let you know if it is something we’re interested in.
We can’t wait to see the treasures that you have hidden away just waiting to earn you a little extra spending money!

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